Under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 6|18 Initiative, the Utah Department of Health Asthma Program (public health) and Division of Medicaid and Health Financing (Medicaid) worked together to seek sustainable expansion and Medicaid coverage of the Utah Asthma Home Visiting Program (UAHVP). The program was established in 2015 by the Utah Asthma Program and partners from the Asthma Task Force. UAHVP serves families with uncontrolled asthma and offers three home visits and two phone calls to: provide education on asthma symptoms, triggers, medications, and inhaler techniques; assess the home environment to identify and reduce asthma triggers; follow up on participants’ goals to improve asthma control and reduce asthma triggers; and discuss questions or concerns six and 12 months after completing all three visits.
This spotlight features Utah’s Medicaid and public health partnership and its efforts to expand Medicaid coverage of the state’s asthma home visiting program.