New Jersey: Promoting Increased Use of Medicaid Tobacco Cessation Benefits
Source: National Opinion Research Center in partnership with the Center for Health Care Strategies
6|18 State Spotlight | July 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 6|18 Initiative highlights CDC and partners targeting six common and costly health conditions with 18 proven interventions.  Under the 6|18 Initiative, New Jersey’s Medicaid agency, housed within the Department of Medical Assistance and Health Services, and public health agency, the New Jersey Department of Health, worked simultaneously to increase access to tobacco cessation treatments and promote treatments through a public awareness campaign.

This profile showcases some of the strategies used in New Jersey to increase the use of Medicaid tobacco cessation benefits under the 6|18 Initiative. These profiles are stories reported by the state officials based on their work within the 6|18 Initiative.

Posted: July 2023

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